Saturday, August 4, 2012

When You Get Burned Out

I've been working on a new project and as excited as I get coming up with great dialogue or creating an  inspired scene, there are times, when I've been working too much and my brain is fried.  That's when I know it's time to take a break.  The thing about taking a break is that if you aren't careful, the break can last for days or weeks and then it's hard to get back to the project.  So, what I do when I am taking a break is continue to be creative, but just not at writing.  It's the perfect time to play a musical instrument, pick up a camera and take photos of the people you love (I did that yesterday), paint, draw, take a walk, listen to really great music that you haven't heard in a while, dance, organize your closet- anything that can keep your mind free from thinking too much while allowing you to continue to be creative.  Some say knitting is a great way to come up with ideas. Today, I am still a little burned out on the writing, so I edited what I have written thus far and I am ready to get back to the writing in the morning.  Inspiration is everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Today I was browsing the internet to find out if you were working on a new project. I came across a 3 minute segment of the speech you gave on adoption, at the Hudson Union Society,May 27, 2010. Your last sentence "if you force yourself to be with people who don't mean you well, you may wind up destroying yourself.", may have saved my life, I was truly destroying myself. You inspire people of all ages and walk of life. At 58 I finally get it. Thanks.
