Friday, August 24, 2012

Starting a Writing Project

One of the most difficult aspects of writing is deciding how to get started.  Every writer has a different process, but what works for me is to start by listening to music that will put me in the mood of the writing.  For a project that I worked on last year, there was a great deal of travel to France in the story. I surrounded myself with French music and it was a great inspiration for me.

Once I felt  in the mood, I took my legal pad and pen and sat in the park to write my outline.  I love being part of nature when I write.  You have to find the spot that inspires you and being outside inspires me.  Sometimes, I sit at the beach and listen to the waves.  I can't take my laptop to the beach because of the sand and water, but I can always write the old fashioned way.  It's a great way to start.  When I write the outline, I start by included the main aspects of the story. The most important thing is getting the story out. You can add color to it during the rewrite.

Write at the same time every day. It's like exercise; you have to do it with consistency.  Start with thirty minutes of writing per day, then add time as you can.  Consider writing for two hours a day. I write for about five hours a day, but my mind is still working even when I am away from my desk. It stays with you once you are into the story.

Get thee writing!

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