I have the story in my head and I want to get it out on paper. "Just tell the story," I tell myself, but there is virtue in allowing the story to simmer a bit before writing. Constantly, I am thinking of the next word or phrase in the story, but I have to allow the right words to come to me. So, sometimes, being patient and taking a break helps the right words to flow freely.
I've also noticed that changing my inspiration helps with the writing. For example, for a long time, I sat in the same park writing and it worked, but I had to change locations, find something new to look at while I'm day dreaming. There are times when I take a chair to the beach and I sit, watch the ocean waves and write. I change the music that's on my iPod or in my car. I might call an old friend who always makes me feel a certain way. I may go to a baseball field and watch the athletes play even if I don't know any of the players. I watch them because they love the game. That love and passion translates into inspiration for me.
So, be patient and allow the words to flow.
Very helpful and an inspiration in it's own right. I write poetry and have for about two decades. I don't think they're that great however I am very proud of them because they tell my story.